Deep Inside of Me January will be quiet. You'll also need some alone time during this month, especially around the 10th, when a new Moon will inspire you to get to know yourself better. [1] You'll be reflecting on the structure of your life, what you do, time with others and for yourself, and whether, in certain situations, you give more to others than you receive from them. [4]
Rock the Boat From the 20th of March on, you won't mince words when it comes to speaking your mind. Go easy on anyone less well-armed. That strong-willed trend will continue throughout April, and well past the lunar eclipse of the 24th, when it will be even harder for you to contain yourself. [1]
Certain individuals will want you to stay exactly where you've been and doing exactly what you've been doing. They'll try to restrict you because they're happy with things the way they are. Taking a tough line with them may be difficult. But if you can, you'll soon find that their attitude has changed, and they're far more understanding and far more co-operative. Be firm and follow your desires first, and the interests of others second. [4]
Dangerous Liaisons You may want to start by giving yourself some space in the realm of romance. Taking a step back from an existing relationship to look at the big picture isn't a bad idea in January -- and those who are single will be firmly in a 'my way or the highway' mode. [3]
On July 15th Saturn will make a very important move into your 7th House of Love, Marriage and Social Activities. This generally denies marriage but not always. The duties and obligations of love become apparent under this transit and only true love and commitment can weather the storm. [5]
Climbing the Career Ladder Starting March 20th, you'll want to reinsert yourself into workplace culture with a newfound zeal. Don't be shy about asserting yourself. Work is all you'll have time for over the summer, at least until mid-August. New projects will go well for you, though they will occasionally reach a hectic pace. You should break records without trying too hard.[2]
You will not only attain prosperity, but also status, prestige and recognition. On October 26th Jupiter will move into your 10th House of Career, bringing pay raises, promotions, honors and perhaps other lucrative career opportunities. Your career horizons greatly expand. [5]
Fly the Friendly Skies During 2005, you might be travelling, studying new ideas or even taking time for yourself. [4]
The most stressful health period this year is from October 23rd to November 22nd so try to reduce your activities and rest and relax more then. You'll be looking longingly at your passport. The solar eclipse of the 3rd of October may put you in the mood to travel overseas. Therefore, this would be a good time to take a holiday or go on a retreat if you can arrange it. [1][5]
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Wow, looks like 2005 is going to be a very busy year for me. Good thing I have the start of the year to reflect, and the end of the year to rest. I'm really looking forward to travelling this year [I really hope those predictions come true!]. I'm also very excited about the career predictions, even though it looks like it entails more work. Kinda worried about the Saturn in the House of Love, but I do hope Dar and I weather the storm. ^_^
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Wanna know your "bad hair" days for this year?
According to this, "bad hair" days or the blahs are caused by the Moon travelling through a sign of the zodiac that is antagonistic to the element of the Sun sign (that is, our zodiac sign).
The zodiac signs are divided into four elements: Earth, Fire, Air and Water. Think of antagonistic elements this way -- Fire scorches Earth, Earth traps Air, Air dries Water, Water puts out Fire. So when the Moon is in Leo (which is a Fire sign), and you're a Taurus (an Earth sign), you'd be feeling the blahs, because Fire scorches Earth. [If an astrology expert is reading this, and I'm wrong, correct me please!]
So, for 2005, here are the supposed "bad hair" days for each of the elements. I hope you plan your dates, appointments, gimiks accordingly ^_^
[1] - Aquarius 2005 Overview
[2] - Aquarius 2005 Career
[3] - Aquarius 2005 Love
[4] - Aquarius 2005 Horoscope
[5] AstroProfile - Horoscopes and Predictions for 2005: Aquarius
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