So aside from all the trekking and island hopping, what else is there to do in Baler?
Why, surf of course!
Okay, I have tried surfing in La Union last year, and lemme just say, the surf board and I are not that friendly towards each other. It had the gall to tell me that I should lose weight first before I'll be able to stand on it! The nerve! :P
So, while they were trying to stand up on the board...
...and then wiping out...
...I was making my own fun with the waves...
Drinking was de rigueur at night, and I don't mean drinking water (or the Kool-Aid). And together with drinking (rhum coke, vodka orange, gin sprite), we had to choose one and only one from the following options:
sunset or sunrise? chest or butt? be a chubby cup C or a stick-thin cup A? ipagpalit ka sa babae or ipagpalit ka sa lalaki? asawang nambababae o asawang nambubugbog? athletic na tanga or matalinong pilay? BO or halitosis? cup D na walang nipples or cup A na mala-mongol eraser ang nipples? top or bottom? be blind or be deaf-mute? dominant or submissive? flowers or chocolates? sadist or masochist? and of course, the never-ending question: the one you love or the one who loves you?
My answers:
sunrise, butt, chubby cup C, sa lalaki, nambababae, matalinong pilay, BO, cup D, top, deaf-mute, submissive, chocolates, masochist, the one I love.
There were more options laid out of course, but they're too many to mention (ala slum book). You can just imagine, with 6 girls, drinking alcohol and answering these kinds of questions, how "interesting" our night time conversations were those three nights. Hehe.
Well, they say pictures paint a thousand words, so I hope these pictures will make up for the non-kuwento :P

Who's the darkest of them all? :P

Waiting for our mid-afternoon drinks

Our one and only lighter went on the fritz kasi.

Palakihan ng braso itu :P

Our de rigueur drinks

Makes you want to be a beach bum na lang for the rest of your life noh?

And of course, I had to camwhore :D
And that's that!
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