Turning 30 this year is such a fuckin' big deal.
I don't know if it's just me or my friends or Darice (who once told me that when I turn 30, that's when I'm officially old LOL) but turning the big 3-0 is such a major turning point in life. I can't help it but I look back on my 20's and realize OMFG what have I done, and look forward to my 40's and panic OMFG what will I do next?
And add the fact that my birthday falls on the first month of the year (and on this, year, a new decade!), when New Year's resolutions and goals and plans are being mapped out, and I'm WTF do I do this year? This decade? This life?
Well, no, not really, LOL, but I do have several plans and goals this year, which is making me pretty excited about the year 2010 and turning 30.
TAKE MORE PICTURES Last year, I got so tamad taking pictures! It would take a special event to bring my mojo back (Macau trip, my sister's pre-nup pics, Cebu-Bohol trip, erm that's basically it LOL), and I miss taking pictures na wala lang, na just for the sake of learning and experimenting. I kinda had that when I joined Filipina Flickrites but then I got busy (in life, in work, in being a Kris Allen fangirl - wut?), and it was good-bye mojo! And now, my dSLR's auto-focus isn't working anymore, and I haven't invested in any other lens, and I feel like I have abandoned something I really enjoy doing!
That's why for this year, I plan to really get to know my camera, buy new lens (or maybe even a flash!), wait have the auto-focus fixed pala muna haha, and take as many pictures as I can!
PROJECT 365 This should really be under the "take more pictures" goal, but doing Project 365 is more than just taking a picture every day -- it's about improvement, dedication, and sharing one part of your day everyday with the world :) [Wow, that was *deep*] I tried last year but I only got about 7 days worth of pictures. FAIL.
This year, I'm starting on my birthday para maiba sa mga nagsisimula ng January 1 hehehe. Pictures will of course be posted on my Flickr, but I'm thinking of posting it here on the blog too. Because I plan to...
BLOG I have missed writing as much as I have missed taking pictures! I have been such a delinquent blogger last year with the last post for 2009 nung June pa, my gulay!!! Kung kelan pa nagkaron ng sariling domain diba? Especially since last year was such a transition year for me diba? Oh well, I was also trying to be less negative last year too, and I know I can write pretty negative things when I'm pissed off at someone.
This year, I will share stories, pictures, videos and what-have-you's thru my blog, not thru Twitter or Facebook! I plan to, nope, make that I am going to blog at least twice a week :) Susulitin ko ang niregalo saking domain name! :D
IMPROVE HEALTH I only have two constant "physical" activities and they both start with the letter S, and I can't really do the other one without a partner LOL. Also, I started eating rice again last year and it made me gain more weight than I expected.
This year, I have started cutting back on my rice intake (breakfast only, yahoo!) and generally cutting back on the food I eat (except for last night -- my parents celebrated their anniversary with a buffet dinner at 7 Corners waaah!). No more weekly quarter pounder meals for me this year -- maybe monthly na lang LOL! Also, because of certain "conditions" made by a very sneaky friend of mine, I will be playing basketball, frisbee and badminton during our company sportsfest. And because of that I invested in a new pair of rubbershoes, o diba? [Sa tagal ko ng hindi nagspo-sporty activity, nawala yung circa 2003 rubbershoes ko nung Ondoy at kebs lang ako hahaha] Aaaaand, because the new rubbershoes I bought were meant for running, I am going to either take up jogging after work (or after a game), or buy a treadmill LOL (pengeng pera or bonus or increase naman diyan! :P)
Therefore, this year, I will still have two physical activities, with the other S being replaced by Sporty activities ;) [Oh, in case you're wondering, the other physical activity that has been constant is Shopping LOL]
VISIT THE STATES Repeat after me: I'm going to get a US visa. I'm going to get a US visa. I'm going to get a US visa.
Yes, my family is planning to go to the US this year! Unfortunately, I still have to apply for a US visa (if only I can just renew the US visa I had 15-20 years ago LOL) before this plan leaves the drawing board and becomes a true-blue mark on the calendar. I do have made some sort of preparation already for this trip -- I bought my very own luggage LOL! If that's not positive thinking, I do not know what is hahahaha!
And of course the usual yearly goals of improving my career, spending more time with family and friends, and being the best mother to Darice. Taon-taon naman yan ang nilalayon ko, at hindi ko kelangan maging trenta, o dumating ang bagong dekada para gawin yan :)
Again, thank you to all those who made the year 2009 suck less! Let's all make 2010 the best year ever! :D
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